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Finale Jaeger

A Heart of Gold

As Finale came into this chaotic world on August 8th, 2003. Finale would live up to her name in her short time here, bright, exciting, and colorful, just as if she were the ending of a firework show.


Finale took pride in her character and her appearance. Everyone who met her was lucky to meet someone who was able to brighten such a dark world. Regularly she would add new additions to her family, inviting anyone needing a home. Her heart was bigger than most, full of curiosity, love, and compassion, even when walking through her most challenging times in life. Her makeup skills, alternative fashion sense, and passion for truth impressed individuals. From a young age, her love for gymnastics was apparent; if there was a flat surface, she walked on her hands for what felt like miles, leaving bystanders in awe.


She found comfort in her passions but was devastated when her knee pain from regular popping prevented her from doing the thing she loved, Gymnastics. She eagerly agreed when she was allowed to have surgery once she was 18 years old. She was ecstatic to get back to her sport and her passion. 


Just a month before she passed, she took the prescribed medications for pain after her surgery, but the pain was still immense, and she needed something more substantial to numb it. Due to her familiarity with substance abuse from seeing it in the home, in her peers, and online, when Finale reached out for help, she found support in a dangerous place. Through Snapchat, she communicated with a peer offering her a more powerful painkiller, Fentanyl. 


Finale wouldn’t know at this time, but getting in the car led to planning the floral arrangements at her funeral. This small interaction was the beginning of the end. December 8th, 2021, at 18 years old, was the first-day Finale tried Fentanyl; this was the last day she ever tried Fentanyl.


Finale was trying to find her way in this world. In another universe, Finale finds her way out and is tumbling again, living her unapologetically life to its fullest. That universe is not this universe. In this universe, only those who know Finale can continue finding justice for her. Now with her story told, you, too, can seek justice for any kid who has been lost due to Fentanyl.



Finale's Favorite Music

Get to know Finale through some of her favorite music.

Finale's Favorite Flower

The lotus commonly serves as a sacred for purity, rebirth, and strength. Because lotuses rise from the mud without stains, they are often seen as a purity symbol.

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"Finale was our best friend. We are twins, and we lost our triplet.

Avana and Alexa Mayo, Friends

Mahsa's Letter to Finale for her 15th Birthday


I can remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. I went into labor 2 days after your due date, and baba was so excited you came on 8/8 as he predicted; he started dancing and rapping his song.  You were stubborn and decided that you were not coming out the way we all expected. You decided you wanted to be born right away and moved around so much so that the Umbilical cord got wrapped around your neck, and we had to move into an emergency C-section right away.  When I first laid eyes on you, I could hardly believe you were mine. Baba, Effi, and Uncle Sam were also at the hospital and could not take their eyes off of you.  

The years have flown by so quickly, your first words, first steps, and the first day of school growing now into a teenager. Each year with you has been the best years of my life.  You have always had a smile on your face and kindness in your heart. You always had a love of knowledge and wanted to explore. You are very clever and always have top grades.  I love your imagination. You sing beautifully, wrote creative poems, swam like a fish, and, of course, could not stop doing Gymnastics and walking on your hands.  I want to tell you I am so proud of the young woman you have become. You are a beautiful human inside and out. Your kindness, caring, and compassion I saw daily. Your passion for knowledge and exploration was evident. 

 I wanted to give you some advice and share a few things I have learned along the way. Life is a journey, it is a lesson, and you will make many mistakes during this journey. The thing about mistakes is we learn from them; When you find your path in life, you must not be afraid. You need to have the courage to step forward and even make mistakes. Disappointment, defeat, and despair are tools just as achievements and happiness are. Life gives us these tools to show us the way to go, you just gotta learn to read the signs.  You’ll make mistakes. Make them. That’s where growth happens. Learn from those mistakes because if you continue to make them, they are no longer mistakes but choices. I have made many mistakes during my life, but that is OK; they have made me stronger as they will you.  

Make lots of friends and surround yourself with people who inspire, understand, love you, and make you feel good about being you! Real friends are invaluable. They are trusting and loyal. They stick with you through good times and bad, happy or sad. Some will come and go, but your true friends will be with you always.  Try to keep at least one childhood connection. The friends that witnessed what helped shape you are sacred and irreplaceable. I have been blessed to have many long-standing friends; I hope you have the same.  

By the way, so that you know, smart is the new cool. Never be ashamed of being smart or even nerdy. Smart never goes out of style, it stays with you as you grow, and it will lead you down the most successful paths.  See the world. Experience new cultures, religions, people, and places. Open your heart and mind to the tremendous benefits of seeing new things. Have confidence in yourself. A positive self-image assures power, strength, ability, and value. It will enable you to conquer your goals and allow you to pursue your biggest dreams fearlessly.  Take care of your body; it is the only one you have. Learn from your Mother's mistakes, and give your body the proper fitness and nutrition that will fuel you for success. And remember, no matter the shape or size, you are perfect the way you are.  

I love how you stand up for what you believe is right. Remember Finale, the greatest things were not achieved by following the crowd but by leading one. Do what you believe is right, and never falter to the pressures of others' beliefs. Live your life with purpose and give purpose to your life. Never turn a blind eye to someone in need. Remember that doing good deeds will reap the greatest benefits.  

Do something that you enjoy all by yourself once in a while. Enjoy your own company. That is something that took me a long while to do, and I’m still working on it. Learn to meditate. Meditating has been the biggest Blessing.  Don’t be afraid to disagree with people, not everyone will think the same as you.  We all have to go through things, lots of nice things and some hurtful. You will get your heart broken, but know this; YOU WILL RECOVER!  There may be a love that you never quite get over. You may always feel a longing, and that’s OK. It means that you’ve loved deeply and were strong enough to let go. You may even break someone’s heart. Forgive yourself. We’re all just learning.  Never be afraid to stand out in the crowd. Sometimes you just need to step out of your comfort zone. You might surprise yourself with what you can accomplish. Don’t ever try to fit a mold. Break them. You are your own person!  Most of this will mean nothing to you, reread it in about ten years, then it will.  

You are the best birthday gift I have ever had, and I feel blessed every day that I was able to be a mother to you.  I love the time we used to spend together. Most of all, I am proud to have you as my beautiful daughter.  Happy 15th Birthday, my beautiful girl. Wherever you go, be the light. 

I love you So much!


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